Getting Started with Transaction Enrichment

Transaction Enrichment provides additional context on a transaction beyond just the description and amount

  1. Category - what kind of payment is this? What level of risk does it carry?
  2. Merchant - who is the counterparty to this transaction?
  3. Payment Processor - what, if any, third party is processing the payment (e.g. PayPal, Zelle etc.)


Transaction categories adhere to a simple, two level taxonomy. A level 1 category may have one or more level 2 categories.

Where possible, a transaction will be assigned a single level 2 category. If the transaction cannot be assigned a level 2 category, it may be assigned a level 1 category.

A transaction with a level 2 category will not contain the explicit detail of the level 1 category, but it can be inferred (a level 2 category can only belong to one level 1 category).

A transaction with a level 1 category may have this because it does not fit within any of the level 2 categories, or because Inscribe has not been able to discern which is the correct level 2 category.

Some categories will be restricted to account type (business vs personal) or amount direction (debit vs credit).

The full hierarchy is contained in the table below:

Level 1 CategoryLevel 2 CategoryDescription
Bank ChargeOVERDRAFT_FEEFees charged by a bank when it temporarily covers transactions that overdraw the account (or the refund of this fee)
Bank ChargeNSF"Not Sufficient Funds" - A fee charged by a bank when they decline payments or the cashing of checks that would bring the account to a negative balance (or the refund of this fee)
Bank ChargeNONEAny other amounts charged by the customer's bank, payment processor or other financial instituition, not covered above
EntertainmentGAMBLINGTransactions related to gambling activity, including both outward payments and receipt of winnings
EntertainmentNONETransactions related to any other forms of entertainment, not covered above
TransportFUELFuel purchased for vehicles
TransportNONETransactions related to any other transport expenditure, not covered above
IncomeCOMMISSION_RECEIVEDCommission received over and above customer's regularly salary
IncomeREVENUEIncome related to goods and services sold by the (business) customer
IncomeSALARYConsumer's wages or salary
IncomeSOCIAL_SECURITYConsumer's social security payment receipts
IncomeINTEREST_RECEIVEDInterest earned on credit balances
IncomeNONEAny other form of income not covered above
LOANMCAMerchant Cash Advance - an advance made to a business in return for a share of future revenue
LOANPAYDAYPay Day Loan - A short term, usuaully high interest, consumer loan
LOANBUY_NOW_PAY_LATER_Repayments to Buy Now Pay Later companies e.g. Klarna
LOANMORTGAGERepayments to a mortgage loan, including repayment and disbursements
LOANAUTO_LOANRepayments to an automobile loan/ lease, including repayment and disbursements
LOANINTEREST_PAIDAny interest amounts paid in isolation, i.e. not included in loan capital repayments
LOANCARD_REPAYMENTRepayments to a credit card
LOANNONEAny other loan related transaction, not listed above, including repayment and disbursements
PERSONNELNONEBusiness outgoing amounts related to personnel. Generally wages and salaries, but could also include employee expenses
PEER_TO_PEERNONETranfer of money between accounts of different owners, including using apps like Zelle and Venmo
REFUNDNONEReversal of purchase transaction, either crediting the account of the purchaser, or debiting the account of the seller
RENTNONEMoney paid for permanent accommodation or business premises
SELF_TRANSFERNONEMoney paid into an account from another account controlled by the customer
TRADINGCRYPTO_TRADINGTrading transaction, specifically related to Crypto currency
TRADINGNONETransactions related to any other form of trading, not covered above
WITHDRAWALNONEWithdrawal of cash from the account (e.g. ATM or over the counter)
RETIREMENTNONERegular income paid out a consumer's 401k into their bank account
INVESTMENTSSWEEP_TRANSFERMovement of funds between a business's accounts in order to optimise interest earned/ paid
INVESTMENTSSAVINGSFunds paid into a savings vehicle
INVESTMENTSNONEInvestments, not listed above
INFRASTRUCTURENONEAssets and software required for the running of the business. E.g. HR platform, accounting software etc
INSURANCENONEFunds paid toward an insurance policy, or received from an insurance payout
ACCOMMODATIONNONEFunds related to general accommodation
FOOD_AND_DRINKNONEFunds related to food and drinks
GROCERIESNONEFunds related to grocery shopping
HOTELSNONEFunds related to hotel accommodation (or similar)
RETAIL & ECOMMERCENONEFunds related to other retail activities
UTILITIESNONEPayments towards the customer's energy bills, e.g. gas, electricity, water, internet

Retrieving Enriched Transactions via API

See our API docs for further details here.